Recognizing that posting bail is a process.
During the bail process, in order to obtain your release from police custody, you will be required to pay an amount set by the judge during the bail hearing. Part of your release agreement will include a promise that you will appear in court for all of your scheduled criminal proceedings.
Hire a Bail Agent
When contacting 1st Stop Bail Bonds, be prepared to share as much information as possible. We will need the full name of the person in jail, which jail they are being held in, their booking number, and the specific charges of the arrest. We are on call 24/7 and will meet you regardless of the time of day. In most cases, we can meet you, in person, at the jail to post your bond.
Posting Bail
When you post bail, you are paying the amount set by the judge at your bail hearing. At 1st Stop Bail Bonds, we offer multiple payment options for posting bail. We are always happy to discuss the options with you and find what works best for each specific client.
The Cost of Using A Bondsman
Most bail bonds agents charge a 10-20% premium based on the full bond amount set by the judge during the bail hearing. The fees we charge vary greatly based on individual and specific circumstances. Furthermore, the required administrative costs vary between counties, so it is difficult to provide a single total amount that could apply to every client. These required fees are non-refundable. Our bail agent will post the bond once the premium is paid. At 1st Stop Bail Bonds, we take the time to evaluate every situation on a case-by-case basis.
It can take a short time or as much as several hours to process someone out of jail. It often simply depends on how crowded the jail is. We will do everything within our control to lessen the time someone is held.
Once the Bail Bond Is Issued
After the judge sets bail during the bail bond hearing and the bail bond is issued, the defendant will be released from jail. This is referred to as “being released on your own recognizance”. This means that the defendant understands and agrees to the important legal conditions and requirements that must be met in order for the defendant to remain “out on bail” until the court date. If the requirements are not met, such as not showing up for all scheduled court hearings, the bail agent must pay the full amount of the defendant’s bond to the court.
If the defendant violates the conditions of the bail, they will be located and taken back to jail. Please keep in mind, that should this happen, the defendant will lose the fees paid to 1st Stop Bail Bonds along with any collateral that was signed over when the bond was issued.
As long as the defendant adheres to the conditions and requirements in the bail agreement and shows up for all of their court appointments, there will be nothing to worry about regardless of whether the defendant is found guilty or innocent. Once the trial is over, the bond is completed and removed.

Need to bail a loved one out of jail?
Give us a call, now!
Office Locations
1st Stop Bail Bonds - Tyler, Tx Office
1801 S. Broadway Ave, Tyler, Tx 75701
Tel: 903-630-5862
1st Stop Bail Bonds - Palestine, Tx Office
2910 W. Oak St. Palestine, Tx 75801
Tel: 903-729-2245 (BAIL)
Inquiries & Support
For any inquiries or support, please call us at one of our offices or fill out the following form.